00. General
Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Murrenhoff, RWTH Aachen
Form of presentation:
60 Minutes
05:15 pm
Fluid Power Research in the U.S.A
Prof. Dr. Kim Stelson | University of Minnesota | Minneapolis | US
» Details anzeigen
Since it’s creation seven years ago, the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power (CCEFP) has led a renaissance academic fluid power research in the United States. The CCEFP is a network of seven universities and more than fifty companies organized into three thrusts: efficiency, compactness and effectiveness. CCEFP fluid power research is demonstrated on six test beds spanning a range of six orders-of-magnitude of power and weight: precision pneumatics for MRI guided surgery, orthosis, patient mover, passenger car, excavator and wind power generator. Several developments with high commercialization potential will be presented along with examples of industry-university collaboration.
05:35 pm
Recent Research Activities in China
Prof. Dr. Huayong Yang | Zhejiang university | Hangzhou | CN
05:55 pm
Farewell Address
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hubertus Murrenhoff | RWTH Aachen University, IFAS | Aachen | DE